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When to Seek Medical Help


Many authors have described different strategies to face possible emergency situations. In fact, there are many practical lists in clear and easy to understand terms to take a rapid decision in case of emergency. We could find them in different languages and presentations, the lists are the result what have been classified as a consensus of emergency signs and symptoms that could be threatening the human’s life on a certain moment.

However, what is the reasoning behind to this decision, people really know when is the better time to seek medical help, or even why should they seek medical help at the end; first, it would be useful to define the differences between an emergency and an urgency.1 A situation of emergency is something that can compromise the person’s life, it is a health condition that represents acute damage to important organs and could be end on the patient’s death.1

While urgency could be defined as those situations that are affecting the people’s health in a chronic or acute way but they are not representing a severe threat to the people’s life at the end.1 As an example of medical emergencies, it has defined acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary thromboembolism, stroke, seizures, choking, hypovolemic shock, and so on, these are situations that could lead to person’s death for that reason the need to seek medical help quickly to avoid fatal consequences or disabilities.2,3

The main objective of this article is trying to define why people need to seek medical help, and what are considered alarm symptoms that could determine the need to seek medical help. For example, it is not the same a sign of fever in a 3months of life baby than in an adult, likewise, it is not the same a chest pain in an elderly man than in a teenager without any previous health condition.

For discerning what are alarm signs and symptoms to take the decision to seek medical help, people have to know some keys that could help to avoid false alarms and excessively anxiety to face and emergency health situation. First, stay calm and define if the person who is going through for a potential health emergency has shortness of breath, difficulty of breathing, bluish coloration of his/her mouth, fainted, pain or pressure in his/her chest or abdomen, confusion, or severe dizziness, these signs, and symptoms are related to acute health conditions that could represent a severe threat to patient’s life.2

It is important to recognize which are the characteristics of the emergency situations which people do not have control at the moment and need be assisted by professional help for avoiding fatal consequences and disabilities. One of the most invaluable tools that we have at the time to take a timely decision in a potential emergency health situation is to recognize that we do not have all answers and we need help because the situation is out of own control.2,3

To do so is indispensable that people accept the fact that they are facing an emergency health situation, need to be assertive, timely and above all fast to avoid fatal consequences. It is indispensable that all families and overall people recognize the differences between urgency and emergency health situations, on this way they can prevent them without underestimating potential fatal health conditions, allowing them to do use of the services into the health care system effectively.

The simple education about what we need to do in case of, what are the places that we can go in a case where the health of patient compromises his/her life and what we can do with health conditions that are less severe and represent a sign of alarm that requires attention but not compromises the patient’s life at the end have represented a great advance for taking the right decision at the right time.

Once more, we can see as the education can change our attitudes and behaviors opening our eyes to a true knowledge about of simple decisions avoiding complications, it is well known that in the middle of one situation as this the ability to reasoning could be reduced due to fear and panic, but, it is in these few seconds where could be defined a decision to life or death. Taking at least ten seconds to recognize if we need to call 911, go to ER room or stay in home and wait what happen with the person’s health condition could bring permanent consequences that may be positive or negatives at the end, but in our hands will be which decision to take, trying to do the right thing, at the right time.



  1. What’s the Difference between an Urgent Care and an Emergency Room? Published 2014. Accessed March 25, 2017.

  2. Emergency First Response. Creating Confidence to Care. Knowing When to Seek Medical Attention. Published 2016. Accessed March 25, 2017.

  3. 5 Emergencies: Do You Know What to Do? Published 2005. Accessed March 25, 2017.

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